Medical students of India, especially West Bengal are facing a very hard time with various crimes and assaults being faced by them, Alia Bhatt is one of the only mainstream who spoke up against this

Posted by bluepheonix7


  1. If this post has reached you please check the sub-reddit /u/indianmedschool and make a single tweet tagging the news outlets of our country on Twitter and any other reliable social media networks. The officials of our country are not taking any action against this case in our country. We really need this to save lives

  2. Our country’s leaders are not taking any needed actions to protect our saviours i.e doctors, nurses
    A single tweet from your side will be extremely helpful to us. Thanks

  3. “Don’t tell women to change their path — change the terrain,” is a brilliant insight. I really hope she and her partners in this fight are able to make positive, lasting change.

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