‘It Ends With Us’: Justin Baldoni’s Wayfarer Studios Partners With Nonprofit No More to Provide Resources for Survivors of Abuse

Posted by impeccabletim


  1. As messy as this whole situation is, I’m really glad Justin is raising awareness and funds for victims. When he speaks on it he seems so thoughtful and genuine. I also don’t believe this mornings smear pieces of him “fat shaming” Blake. Wanting information so you don’t injure yourself or drop your co star isn’t shaming.

  2. Pitiful_Ad_8219 on

    i’ve been following the drama, and now this new piece of the pie leads me to my theory: i think Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni did not get along during the creation of it ends with us. BL wanted more control, and JB, the director, didn’t give up enough of it for BL’s liking. Now i think BL wants to direct the sequel, and JB wants nothing to do with it. i wonder if there are current negotiations going on and BL and hubby Ryan Reynolds are trying to buy the rights from the studio, but the studio is being difficult, so now BL and RR are taking the route of trying to discredit JB.

  3. Dizzy-Pollution6466 on

    I would love if we never heard about this movie and this drama ever again and I think everyone in this situation sucks. Blake and Ryan will forever be weird for thinking that getting married on a plantation is ok and using antebellum imagery in their (Blake’s) website. I find Ryan extremely annoying and a charisma vacuum of an actor. Blake has been using the promo of this movie as a chance to promote her haircare line and to show off her theme dressing. This movie is about DV, yet she’s acting like this movie is a girly beachy fun romcom which is disgustingly tonedeaf. Get your florals girls! Colleen Hoover is certified trash and her books are awful and multiple DV victimes have spoken about how harmful her writing is. Justin is trying to come across as this DV activist and outspoken male feminist but then turns around and hires Depp’s PR team who helped in the smearing of Amber Heard, and he now has a stan army who are lining up to protect their innocent angel soft boi. I don’t see any good guys here.

  4. pretendberries on

    Thanks for posting this! I kept commenting about it but didn’t take the time to make a post 😂 they have a lengthy resource for viewers and another for survivors which is pretty cool

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