
After her parents split when she was young, Zoë lived with her mom for the first 10 years of her life. But now, in a new cover story for Esquire, Zoë says that she now thinks differently about moving across the country to live her father, who she had only seen a few times a year prior.

"It was this whirlwind of a completely different universe," Zoë says of his visits. "And then I would go home to this really quiet, really simple life." Experiencing her father's rockstar life at the time made going home to her mother's stricter lifestyle ultimately made her decide to move to Miami to live with Lenny when she was 11.

Now Zoë feels guilty about moving away from her mother. "I think it was very hurtful that I moved away from her to be with my dad and my dad wasn’t even there," she says. "I just wish I had been able to appreciate what she was doing for me. She was so focused on preserving my innocence. My creativity. Because she knew what the world is — that you don’t get that back."

Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. Wow, sounds like Lisa Bonet is a solid mom. I always kind of side-eyed her for marrying a man only 10 years older than her daughter, but it sounds like she did her best to give her a stable upbringing.

  2. Well that’s on you for eyeballing age gaps and the whole judging books by covers thing.

  3. Reasonable-Wave8093 on

    Yes, her mom is absolutely solid, and wow, it’s great to hear Zoe reflecting on it.
    It’s tough being the down to earth stable one intent on being healthy and humble!

  4. Rude_Lifeguard on

    This reminds me of that one quote:

    Often father and daughter look down on mother (woman) together. They exchange meaningful glances when she misses a point. They agree that she is not bright as they are, cannot reason as they do. This collusion does not save the daughter from the mother’s fate.

    Doesn’t seem to be the exact case but it reminded me of that

  5. Sleepy-Giraffe947 on

    I’m glad she’s able to look back on it now in hindsight. I think this is something a lot of kids with divorced parents go through. They have one stable parent who’s stricter and then another who is more of the fun, carefree parent. They see the grass is greener on the other side, not realizing they’re able to be the fun parent because they’re either not around as much or because the hard parts are already taken care of.

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