Rock icon Greg Kihn, known for his hits “The Break Up Song” and “Jeopardy,” dies at age 75

Posted by YoureASkyscraper


  1. I loved his songs when I was a kid with The Breakup Song being a persistent ear worm.

    He was so influential for me in my musical tastes as a teen when he hosted programming on KFOX in the Bay Area. I was saddened when he left, but I recall that his politics started to leak a bit into his programming, and that didn’t fly so well with the public and the bosses.

    I’m sad to hear he suffered from Alzheimer’s and that it led to his death.

    Rock on, dude.

  2. Responsible-Abies21 on

    He also wrote two pretty good horror novels, *Shade of Pale* and *Horror Show*. I enjoyed them both.

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