Snow White Backlash GOES NUCLEAR As Rachael Zegler ATTACKS Gal Gadot & Disney Faces MASSIVE Boycott!

Snow White Is Cooked


  1. I understand why Israel makes their citizens serve in the military for a while. It would never fly in the US. But I would hope serving your country for a couple years might make you a better person? 🤷 Just like I think everyone should have to have a retail or service job so they know how it feels and may not be such an a**** when they are the customer! 😆

  2. wasnt gina fired for far less? i think your wrong and she will continue to work in hollywood, she is a member of that socialist party and her employment is almost guaranteed

  3. The new pseudo Mad Max movie had a funky feminist ending. Glad I did not waste my money on that trash heap and I won't be wasting any money on Woke White either. Why would I give money to anyone who hates me?

  4. Rachel Ziegler is worth millions… Must be nice to never be in a successful movie but still make enough money to retire in your early twenties. 🫤

  5. This is what happens when you give a nasty little hot-head like her money and fame. They think they're indestructible. They think words like "consequences" don't apply to them. And since she's a young girl, she thinks she has all the time in the world and is immortal.

    And no, she won't change. Not one bit. Not until both consequences and reality find a way to slap her in the face. Until then, she'll be the same narcissist and entitled little b****ch she's always been.

  6. Gal Gadot is a member of the IDF…she doesn’t have to privately support anything – she is a part of Israel’s defense forces.

    The fact that the freak co-star is literally blasting her co-star is immature and hostile…

  7. There are two choices: she's incredible dumb or she's incredible reckless. Disney can't afford none of the above, she politicized their flagship movie in the worst way possible. And yet she's still getting acting gigs!

  8. Yes, Jeremy, being “pro-P…” is anti-Israel/Jew. I know you’ve already said you don’t care what is happening over, fair enough, but the deflective equivocation on your part is based in ignorance of the situation and dynamics. If you don’t care, then skirt the issue. It’s the ignorance that is fueling the woke mobs in siding with the mooselims.

  9. If they really wanted to make a Snow White for modern audiences, the story line would have included the dwarfs kicking Snow White's ass out to the curb and calling police for her breaking and entering.

  10. Blackrock Vanguard have very very deeeeep pockets and they own deisney they push the agenda message and don't care about losing a few billion dollars, thats why they did not want peltz on the board that would ruin their plans.

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