This article has an interesting exploration of the changes in Colombia over the years and some of the destinations there. Makes me want to go (which I suppose is part of the point 😂)

Short excerpt:

“Accusations of irresponsibility and concerns for their safety have already been reported in the press, especially following political demonstrations in the Latin nation in April.

“Personally, I couldn’t think of a better suggestion for a couple keen to shake off the shackles of tradition and challenge conservative stereotypes. I’ve travelled to Colombia – alone – several times, most recently earlier this year. Unlike Meghan, I don’t speak fluent Spanish, but have always managed to find my way around without ever running into difficulties.

“The transformation of people, place, politics and attitudes has been remarkable. Tired of all the violence and social upheaval, communities have remodelled their country into one of the world’s most exciting and dynamic tourist destinations.


“Uplifting stories of resilience are everywhere – from displaced women setting up successful restaurants, to families forging open-air art galleries from garbage tips.”

Posted by mewley

1 Comment

  1. “Shake off the shackles of tradition and challenge conservative stereotypes”


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