My Scholastic Book Fair Leonardo DiCaprio magazine. I was OBSESSED at ten years old when Titanic came out and had to have it!

Posted by anniepoonannie1988


  1. hauntingvacay96 on

    The choke hold Titanic, the movie and also the actual ship, had on all of us pre teens in 1997. I bought the double vhs, got a piece of film strip memorabilia for my birthday, and convinced my parents to travel many many miles to go to one of the titanic exhibits where you got to see if you would have lived or died. It was truly a special time.

  2. I was ~obsessed~ with Leo and Titanic. So much so that 14-year-old me not only played the soundtrack (CD, obvi) over and over, but I also played Celine Dion’s album just because the song was on it.

  3. >Leonardo could have any woman he wants. Unfortunately, he just doesn’t have the time. His filming schedules take him away for months, so he’s never in one place long enough to work on a relationship. But his love life remains strong. “It’s been good,” he says. “I haven’t had my heart broken in a while.”

    A lot to unpack there, but I especially like that he would spend the rest of his life hopping between young trophy girlfriends because ~~he’s a manchild who probably only sees women as sex objects~~ he never wants to have his heart broken.

  4. Omg I had this lmao 🤣 I didn’t even like Leo but I loved big ass books!! The memories Omg

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