BLAKE LIVELY IS MESSY…(it ends with us drama)

It Ends With Us came out this week and fans aren’t happy with the way Blake Lively is handling her interviews about the film and many suspect there may be some drama going on behind the scenes with the cast…


[Music] Kevin Macleod


  1. I'm just saying the author of the book is on Blake's side and I think she said that the movie should be advertised the way it is by Blake. I don't know that as a fact, but I'm just saying that is a possibility. When I saw the trailer I thought it was a romance movie. So the trailer seems to be a bit misleading as well.

  2. IMO Justin has had some sort of violence in his past. Maybe he grew up with it. Maybe he saw it . And IMO Blake has not. She said the movie's not about DV ? Well it either is or it isn't ? If you get hit more than once, it's domestic violence especially if you're in a relationship with a person that you get hit bye 😢

  3. Lowkey it gives me ‘I didn’t read the book I read the google summary.’ You can see who clearly cares more about the movie and what it represents.

  4. I thought this was a rom com!! I’m a DV survivor!!! This could have sent me into a major PTSD episode!! Thank you Justin! For looking out for the survivors!! ❤

  5. I would say however Blake isn't the first to point out how tiring it is being asked those questions. Many actresses have been annoyed because they truly ask the women more shallow questions

  6. As a fan of Colleen Hoover novels before the hype, this whole thing is disappointing. The way that it has been handled just sucks. I’m not even gonna go see the movie. Maybe a series based on the novel would have been better with a different cast 😒

  7. Justin seemed to be the only one taking this movie seriously this shouldn’t have been advertised as some cutesy romcom drama that you should “grab your friends and wear your florals” to. Blake should’ve done more to discuss what the message of the movie was instead of just talking abt wardrobe and what not. It seems everyone in the cast and the author are on her side because she has money and fame which doesn’t surprise me.

  8. as someone who lost a family member to dv i feel like it’s really weird and upsetting that this movie is being marketed as some sort of cutesy romance movie with not a lot of clues to the plot, when its a really dark and triggering subject. i feel like ppl could be misled to watch it not knowing and could be really affectwd by the subject matter

  9. Coho AGREES with Blake. She's probably why Blake has advertised it this way. Don't get me wrong, blake isn't in the right here, but we should be focusing on the very problematic author who has written MANY books similar to this that romanticize toxic and abusive situations (not to mention her brilliant line "we laughed at our son's big balls" like what the fuck???)

  10. 4:00 never forget that a young Mariska Hargitay stepped WAY up to raise awareness, advocacy, and resources for SA survivors because people kept talking/writing to her with their stories as if she were actually Olivia Benson

  11. Black is doing a terrible job promoting this movie. Wanting to make it about women's empowerment only, talking about the wardrobe repeatedly, wanting to make it a Barbie movie moment all while ignoring the real message that's so misleading, and on the other hand, pushing Justin away like that is so unprofessional and weird.

  12. These celebrities have NO idea what kinda mental torture they do with their pathetic influence through these kind of.. Uhh work! … Only knew her through taylor.. Never thought she would have colors like this😮

  13. Blake wanted this to be her Barbie moment, Justin wanted to highlight the reality of DV. Blake has used everything she can to draw attention and talk about HER brands and HER husband's movie, Justin has only shared DV links and recovery supports. Money speaks and everyone else is listening to the actual conversation going on.

  14. Aren't there more important things going on in people's lives and the world at large than a movie based on a crappy book by a writer that is so overrated and only got hugely famous because of tt and the covers of her books being 'so aesthetic'. No one should ever look to any celebrity for answers or opinions on serious issues. They are people being paid to do a job, not be advocates or role models. Who cares what Blake Lively thinks about anything? And Colleen Hoover hardly sold any books before tt, I'm an avid reader, I read 2 to 3 books a week, all different genres all different writing styles and her writing and the majority of her books are mediocre at best, she lacks insight into her characters and every book, no matter what the storyline & plot, follows the exact same pattern. I don't like or dislike Blake Lively, but she doesn't owe anyone any answer to any question, all she has to do is act in a movie, if you don't like her or the answers she (or any actress/actor) give during interviews and don't like the way the movie is being promoted or the characters/serious issue is being portrayed just don't buy a ticket to see it and move on with your day, simple as that. In this day and age, if you want to gain insight & knowledge about DV, there are so many resources available from people who have gone through it and who are qualified to speak on it not an actress being paid to play a part about a fictional character.

  15. i honestly thought this movie was a comedy the way Blake was promoting it and including her husband. Its about DV and i don't think i wanna see it. IMO the way Blake has been promoting it seems as she don't take the DV issue so seriously and laughs at it. i just see her laughing and she cares about herself and her personal stuff she is promoting. idk about u but that's low key insulting to ppl that have actually gone thru DV. i don't like her anymore.

  16. I am so shocked rn. I’ve never read the book, and seen bits and pieces of the trailer. I legit thought this was a romantic movie and would have totally gone to watch it expecting one thing but getting something completely different

  17. 4:35 I think she answered it right. It's not about you being your trauma – it's about you making a new life for you. You are a survivor but that does not define you, it's you that can decide what can define you as a person. I belive that the massage that she was trying to share with us was not to stay with this trauma, but to make our life better and relise ourselfs from it. That's how I understood it.

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