1. I wonder how legitimate this is. This follows a series of briefings from the last year between Charles and Andrew. Seems like somebody at the Sun has either found out through the security company that their contract is ending in the fall or BP directly. But Charles doesn’t really prefer the Sun imo.




    This also follows reports around 2023 and post ascension to “King” about Charles no longer being interested in funding the extended family but I’m too lazy to find them.

    The will Andrew move out saga continues. I wonder if he’ll just live without security.

    ETA: Andrew was caught lobbying for his security last year and Priti Patel was forced to apologize


  2. Copperheadmedusa on

    The sheer arrogance of this sicko to not just give up royal lodge….what planet does Andrew live on oh my god. Surely there’s a dungeon in one of those castles they can toss him in and call it a day

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