Will the People Who Say They Love Cinema Most Come Back to the Movies? – The summer blockbuster season proved that the movie audience is still very much there. But where have all the cinema lovers gone?

Posted by Sisiwakanamaru


  1. I have an 85 inch TV, a surround sound system, a lay-z-boy and access to every movie within a few weeks of its release. Why would I ever go back to a theater filled with people who won’t shut up, put their phones away, or control their children?

  2. VampireHunterAlex on

    This entire article reads like it’s blaming the audience: What is up the ass of film/tv/gaming journalists these days? 

     Not a week goes by where I don’t read about various controversies, or look at a source like Rotten Tomatoes (which I heavily dislike anyways) and see a noticeable schism between critic & audience score.

    Perhaps those that “love” cinema should continue to do so and chose what they’d like to go see, and then the studios will then adapt: Same as it’s always been.

  3. Evening-Macaroon8503 on

    This movie lover would go to the theater to watch all kinds of cinema but he happens to work on movies and due to a number of factors (mainly every company deciding to throw out the business model of making good movies in order to try to compete with Netflix as a stupid streaming service as well as those companies mainly making streaming movie of the week garbage overseas to save money on labor) I am not working so I do not have money to spend on going to the movies.

  4. Aretirednurse on

    We have nice tv/sound systems and better snacks.
    No screaming children, no cell phones.
    Comfy chairs.

  5. tegeus-Cromis_2000 on

    The last two movies I saw at a theater, the projectors were so dim they looked like crap. I don’t see why I should go to the cinema to watch movies in suboptimal conditions when I can control the image settings to my full satisfaction at home.

  6. I love the theater but hate the people. Maybe we need like a tsa style pre-screening for movie goers or something to eradicate the undesirables. Hire security to enforce basic decency and I will pay $50 a ticket.

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