Eva Mendes shares what is her carry on when traveling, her and Ryan Gosling’s daughters’ plushies: “Sooooo I guess they’re a significant part of my carry on now? Is this the new norm? Btw, these are only 3 of the 6 that traveled with us. But at least I talked them down from 12.”

Posted by mcfw31


  1. When I was a kid I made my parents check an entire duffel bag full of my stuffies to take to Croatia. (clearly I’m an only child). I can’t believe they listened to me, but also now it makes me all warm and fuzzy to look back and know that they did.

  2. Normal-person0101 on

    This is the type of content that celebrities make that can make people relate, it doesn’t need to try **so** hard, it’s nice and down to earth

  3. ExplanationLife6491 on

    My carry ons are always filled with my kids plush toys and random stuff they want.

    My purse too. Kids want to bring everything but I always get stuck carrying the stuff I beg them not to bring lol.

  4. My youngest is 14 and he still stores most of his “stuff” in my purse. This is so relatable

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