
The Brigitte Bardot Foundation, founded by the eponymous actress to protect animal rights, announced on Tuesday that it was in contact with the Delon family, who have confirmed that Loubo will not be euthanized. Delon's relatives will take care of the dog, the organization said in an Instagram post, through a translation.

A spokesperson for the foundation additionally told the Guardian, “I’ve just had Anouchka Delon on the phone and she has told me that Loubo is part of the family and will be kept. The dog will not be put down.”

Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. I swear this was a plot line in a Benji movie in the 80s. If I recall correctly, Natalie Schafer (Lovey Howell from “Gilligan’s Island”) plays a dying woman whose wish is for her dog to be put to sleep when she passes. Benji bears a striking resemblance to her dog and switches places, causing mayhem and confusion.

  2. What a cretin. Just ask for the dog’s ashes to be scattered on your grave when it passes naturally, or even buried shallowly over you.

  3. TheBewitchingWitch on

    My dogs ashes are to be mixed with mine, when we pass from whatever we pass from. I would never rob my dog of puppacino’s and runs on the beach because I’m a selfish asshole.

  4. Medical_Gate_5721 on

    The quote sounds like he thought the dog would be suffering from missing him so much it would wither on his grave. He said he wanted the vet to euthanize Loubo in his arms.

    I want to know if he actually tried that plan and his family steered him (or the vet) away, or if he was just being a drama queen for the press.

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