Megan Fox Gets SHUT DOWN in HILARIOUS Way She Did NOT See Coming!


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Megan Fox Gets DESTROYED in HILARIOUS Way She Did NOT See Coming!


  1. Speaking of Megan Fox in Transformers. My unit was were the ones who partook in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I was a medic in 5th Infantry / 1st Armor Division and believe it or not, a few of us asked her while on set for her autograph. Needless to say, none of us got it. Hows that for supporting your military, lol.

  2. Megan Fox should indeed be serving time in prison for the evil wicked satanic things she has done not only to her people and family but also to innocent children and innocent people in general. Until she realizes the error in her sinful ways and repents of her sins and ask Jesus Christ to be the true Lord and Savior of her life and become a true born again child of God and turn from her wicked ways. Amen brothers and sisters in Christ!😇

  3. good parents don't face that kind of hate and if they do, most of the populaiton will have their back, seems preferable to the current situation

  4. Megan Fox! More like Megan Blockhead who doesn't know how to raise children correctly and makes her 3 boys wear wierd and girly clothes. Geez. What is this world coming to when a mother can't even tell the difference between a boy and a girl just like in the bible.

  5. Don't worry even Jason Momoa has a pink purse he carries around, I think its just a thing they get blackmailed do to whether they want to or not

    most celebrities are doing weird sh behind the scenes, if it ever came out, not one person would ever like them.

  6. CPS should be sent to her home right now! Megan Fox also seems to have gone down the drain. During Transformers she looked hot; but now she looks like a thot!

  7. Ya well as you know Machine Gun Kelly doesn't dress like that anymore..why would you judge that. Also you are spreading misinformation. Machine Gun Kelly has changed and is sober. Quit trying to bring people down you don't even know. He was out of line. It's none of his damn business.

  8. If you ever listened to MGKs music that's been released his music has even changed. Why would the ignorant MMA fighter judge someone by how they dress. We're not all the same. Have you even listened to any of his recent interviews. You know you're wrong in this. I actually have liked your content. But you are way off base here. Those aren't MGKs kids either and why wouldn't he have his girlfriends back. Also that argument was started by the MMA fighter by his ignorant comments. I guess people can't dress different now days. We need to all live in a box.

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