Silence is golden yet Lily Allen shares she returned adopted dog to animal shelter after it ate her kids’ passports

Posted by hoppip_olla


  1. a-little-destruction on

    ‘And I cannot tell you how much money it cost me to get everything replaced’ girl you’re a multimillionaire?? the money it costs to replace your passports is nothing to you!

  2. Picklepee-pumparum on

    Ok I don’t see why this is bad like, she couldn’t handle the dog so she returned it to the shelter? What is she supposed to do, keep it and let things be worse? Some people and dogs aren’t meant to be. 

  3. notmycinnamonwaxed on

    How on earth did the dog have access to the passports in the first place? 🤔

  4. TemporaryLucky3637 on

    Lily remains one of the only celebs where I liked her *less* after reading her autobiography like, sometimes less is more 😂

  5. lovethistrack on

    She sounds like one of those idiots who just expects dogs to live in their house and do nothing all day

  6. Cmonlightmyire on

    Lily Allen truly fascinates me, she’s like a social experiment in how much we’ll tolerate famous people saying stupid shit.

  7. CalendarAggressive11 on

    I didn’t know know anything about this woman until recently. Each new piece of info I learn makes her seem more and more shitty

  8. toosexyformyboots on

    Why are you leaving the passports out where the dog can get to them? Why aren’t you putting in the effort to train the dog? I hate her I stg

  9. indicatprincess on

    >“She ate all three of our passports and they had our visas in,” Allen recalled. “And I cannot tell you how much money it cost me to get everything replaced, because it was in Covid and so it was just an absolute logistical nightmare.”

    Aren’t passports supposed to be important? Why wouldn’t you put them someplace safe in the house? Those poor kids.

  10. As a dog rescuer I strongly advocate for people to be honest and return the dog if it isn’t a good fit for them, so we can find someone else that can give the dog the life they deserve before bonding etc happens.

    HOWEVER I don’t think there is a dog on this earth that is a good fit for for you if you can’t handle object eating… i don’t even think you should own *any* type of pet

  11. NoFaithlessness3209 on

    I’m not even rich but I keep my passport in a safe! How does she not do that?!?

  12. likechalkandcheese on

    I don’t understand what her thought process is behind sharing these idiotic stories on her self-indulgent BBC podcast. At best she appears wildly out of touch. At worst she is actively cultivating haters. I literally never thought about this woman outside of her middling pop career before she starting spouting her musings on this platform.

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