Jennifer Garner and John Miller on ‘Break’ From Relationship Amid Ben Affleck and J. Lo’s Divorce

Posted by 777dude777


  1. SnailWithAKnife on

    *”Jen’s had so much going on with Ben, it just took a toll.”*

    You’d think they’re talking about her child 💀

    Anyway… didn’t someone mention Ben, Jen and the kids are currently on a family trip to Japan?

  2. internal_logging on

    I highly doubt Ben and this Jen will get back together. I feel for Jen’s boyfriend though. Probably tired of watching his girlfriend baby her ex.

  3. Sleepy-Giraffe947 on

    Yikes. It can’t be easy when one of your girlfriend’s kids is actually her man baby ex-husband. I understand that by being there for Ben, Jennifer is putting her kids first, but it must really suck for ex to feel like a third wheel.

  4. From the article it looks like she got dumped:

    “Jen’s had so much going on with Ben, it just took a toll,” a source told [*Life & Style*]( in a story published on Wednesday, August 21. “And she and John ended up going their separate ways. It wasn’t her choice.”

    “Ben’s been turning to Jen [Garner] for advice and support, and that’s been a big source of annoyance for John,” the insider told *Life & Style.* “He doesn’t enjoy competing with her ex-husband for her attention.”

  5. Curious_Gur2294 on

    Second chance romance are the recipe of perfect disaster 

    If something didn’t workout for the first time, it won’t even work for the second time

    I hope Jen Garner don’t make any mistake.

  6. genescheesesthatplz on

    She’s his ride or die. Shes always there to get his ass to rehab, pick him up, and help him get his life in order. Truly ride or die.

  7. FunInsurance6137 on

    The World: “Girl, don’t do it.”

    Jennifer Garner: “ I’m not gonna do it.”

    6 months later…

    Jennifer Garner: “Girl, I did it.”


  8. I feel like Jennifer Garner never really got over Ben. In her mind she wishes they could be together

  9. Ok-Software-3458 on

    I can tell none of y’all were actually around for Beniffer 1.0 or 2.0 she would totally take him back

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