Dennis Quaid Jokes He Wants Son Jack to ‘Reverse Nepo’ Baby Him: ‘How Bout a Little Help Over Here?’

Posted by mcfw31


  1. > “He’s done it his way and his own way,” he continued. “I offered to help get him an agent at first and he said ‘No dad, I’m doing it on my own.’ ”

    > “And then he got all these jobs from all these directors and I say, ‘How bout a little help over here?’ I don’t mind the nepo thing myself, okay? Reverse repo, I’ll take it!”

  2. forkandspoon2011 on

    Definitely one of the good ones, I wish him and Kurt Russel’s kid would do an 80s style buddy cop movie together.

  3. “NEPO DADDY!, coming to netflix this holiday season.”

    Not gonna lie, it could make a great tv show. Dead beat dad coming to leach of his sons hollywood success. Going to auditions and name dropping his son etc. Could be funny.

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