Which A-lister left a major cult during the pandemic but can’t speak about it due to signing a NDA?

Posted by cmaia1503


  1. AbsolutelyIris on

    Obviously scientology but whom…?

    I’m assuming “royal Caribbean” and “the great escape” are clues?

  2. TurbulentCranberry60 on

    The royal Caribbean to me at least is trying to refer to Tom Cruise —royal Caribbean (cruise). The great escape may be referring to his history of stunts. Now do I think this is accurate gossip?? No. But the clues lead me to that!

  3. Royal Caribbean are a Cruise company. CRUISE company. But nah, calling bullshit on that, no way they’d give up their golden god.

  4. Doubt it’s Cruise or Travolta, especially because Travolta is still deep in Scientology according to ex-members and Cruise was seen in the French Scientology HQ during the Olympics.

    Hugh Jackman got divorced during the pandemic and was in a cult, right? Maybe his divorce was due to him leaving it.

  5. Reasonable-Wave8093 on

    Someone who was in The Pirates movies?

    Juliette Lewis?

    The clues sound like cruise but there’s no way lol

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