Chappell Roan via Instagram

Posted by clemthearcher


  1. clemthearcher on

    >I feel the most unsafe I’ve ever felt in my life

    This is such a scary sentence. My heart breaks for her honestly.

  2. I’m on her side. I’m glad she’s being honest about life as an artist because I feel like in the past stars, especially women were forced to do what fans and managers wanted and no one looked out for them.

  3. amfletcher123 on

    I said this in another comment, but I’m so glad she’s being so explicit about what she’s referring to and treating it as insane as it is. I’m never not shocked at people touching her.

  4. Apprehensive_Lab4178 on

    Man, I don’t know what has happened in Chappell’s life lately but it’s very clear that people are being completely weird and creepy towards her, and she is rightfully pushing back against it. This post alarmed me. I’ll never understand people feeling they have the right to approach someone just because they like their art. Anytime I’ve seen a famous person out and about I just file it away as an interesting story to tell at a party and I keep it pushing.

    I really, really hope the people who need to read this post see it and absorb it and calm the fuck down. I’ve enjoyed her album the most out of all the incredible pop music that’s come to the forefront this year, and the more I see things like this from her the more I’m afraid she’s going to stop creating for good.

  5. Necessary-Low9377 on

    Good for her. Calling creepy, obsessive behavior “fandom” doesn’t make it any less creepy or obsessive.

  6. Rated_PG-Squirteen on

    It remains *ASTOUNDING* to me that so many so-called “fans” treat their favorite artists like absolute zoo animals. Don’t you want them to be in a positive head space? Don’t you want them to be happy? Don’t you think they deserve basic human decency at the very least?

  7. Cold_Breadfruit_9794 on

    Good for her, and tbh this line of thought could also benefit women in general. I very much support what she’s saying

  8. Eastern-Set-6639 on

    The biggest fan account on Instagram, @/midwestprincesshq, had an admin (Nova) who kicked every other admin and also doxxed Chappell’s sister and her family earlier this year. I see why she’s very concerned.

  9. throwawaybeet-h on

    I think stans forgot why they’re called stans. And why it’s not a good thing.

    Good for her honestly.

  10. Rude_Lifeguard on

    Every time a celeb, especially a woman, talks about unwanted fan attention and behavior people always expose how they really feel about consent.

    These are the same people who would be horrified if a victim of abuse was told thry were asking for because of the circumstances in which it happened but they’re totally fine with using that same phrase when it comes to the celebs they want to harass

  11. Adventurous-Cake-81 on

    This is well written and needed to be said. Good for her to turn off the comments.

  12. my thing is she talked about this before. people were starting to harass her family by finding out where they live/work. i would also be very angry and blunt if my message wasn’t received the first time

  13. lostinplatitudes on

    Glad she’s standing firm on this, it’s so weird how some people called her out all because that she was annoyed by overly intense “fans”. A lot of people lack boundaries as they think their fave celebs are actually their friend and Covid has made this issue 100x worse as it’s like so many people forgot how to be a normal, functioning human being who respects others.

    I’ve noticed more and more famous people are distancing themselves from fans and sharing less and I don’t blame them, stan culture has never been more toxic.

  14. KeepItMoving713 on

    Good for her! She’s saying things that other celebrities don’t have the guts to say. I respect it completely.

  15. whiskersRwe32 on

    Honestly good for her for saying this! She is trying to protect her mental health, her personal bubble, and artistry, and creepy parasocial fans are over stepping boundaries. I want her to be an artist for as long as she wants to be as well but we will lose her as an artist if people don’t stop being weird and making her feel unsafe.

  16. Im so glad that she’s saying this. We need more popstars to speak out against the insane fan behavior that has come out of the internet. To me the arguments made against her are similar to the way people used to attack celebrities for being upset about the paparazzi in the 2000s. That shit wasnt normal and neither is this fan behavior, and someone needed to say it.

  17. ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)

    I feel like a lot of stars have restraining orders out on stalkers. Social media have made everyone accessible to the point that we feel entitled to public figures, I’m glad she’s establishing boundaries and wanting to keep part of herself private. We don’t need to know everything about stars. This way we can relate to her songs without having to know ‘lore’ or be constantly speculating about who it’s about. Just enjoy things for what they are. You don’t need a deep dive into something for it to be good.

  18. KeepItMoving713 on

    Good for her! She is saying things that other celebrities are afraid to say. I respect her for this.

  19. susansharon9000 on

    Wonderful statement. I hope this helps other women in the public eye feel more comfortable to publicly set boundaries that help them stay safe and sane

  20. Libertarian4lifebro on

    She has a point but damn if I can see people or the media respecting her boundaries. She is a commodity to be exploited just like it has been for celebs before. How many in her position has succeeded in getting people to back off? Didn’t work for Britney Spears or Princess Diana.

  21. Good for her. I’m impressed that she has the courage and eloquence to call this out, and explain the difference between when she’s on or off the clock and what behavior is acceptable or not.

    Unfortunately, I think there’s a lot of crazed and entitled people who are not going to listen to this. There’s a reason wealthy & famous people have to invest in security. There are a lot of people who see boundaries as simply a thrill to run over.

    Human nature is what it is, some won’t change. But if we can change what is normalized and condoned then maybe they’ll be some progress.

  22. I love that she’s saying this, but I fucking hate that she even has to say it in the first place.

  23. LingonberryStreet504 on

    As important as this message is, unfortunately nothing would change, and I absolutely feel bad for her and every other artist. She is right, she chose to do this to share her love for music, and there are plenty of opportunities to see her – concerts, talk shows and any other appearances. THAT DOES NOT MEAN SHE HAS TO BE AVAILABLE FOR YOU ALL THE TIME. I can only imagine the amount of harassment these people go through on a daily basis by ‘fans’ who think they are owed stuff.

  24. purplecoffeelady on

    She’s not only spot on, she’s eloquent about it. There’s not even a smidgen of “bitch” in this. Some “fans” need serious psychiatric help. I think social media definitely eliminated some of the barriers between celebs and civilians, and a lot of people feel “connected” to these complete strangers (*cough* Swifties), but enough is enough.

  25. Willing-Set5454 on

    Gosh, this is so scary. I feel like we as a society need to start calling out creepy fan behavior for what it is. Not in a harassing way, of course, but just labeling it as weird and creepy. No human should have to live in fear like this. 

  26. “I turned the comments off because I’m not looking for anyone’s response. This is not a group conversation”

    PERIOD. Good for her. I really hope this paves a path for more artists to set some hard boundaries with their fans.

  27. waybeforeyourtime on

    I respect her so damn much for setting her boundaries and for putting herself above fame.

  28. NachosAndGnocchi on

    I was just thinking about this today; the logistical/emotional nightmare the sudden jump to mega stardom must be.

    Like, the notion that you can’t go out and do all the things you once enjoyed without security around or the risk of being bothered. It must be very jarring and I feel for her. She’s speaking what so many artists in her position are probably feeling as well, but might be too scared to voice.

  29. Normal-person0101 on

    I wrote this in another trend:

    I agreed with her but this is not just a “women” thing (even thought like always things get worse for women) two weeks ago we saw Tom Cruise being assault in live television, but this a culture that Hollywood created, they created and elevated personal to bigger than life, to be worship, so make people go to cinema, buy tickets, buy albums and listen to sjngle.
    Is Hollywood that need to change the way they want us to perceive celebrity, when then continue to make celebrity bigger than life, nothing going to change.

  30. alexisclairerose1986 on

    I respect her so much for this and I agree. I think I’ve grown out of online fan behaviour, I just want to enjoy the music and not be so….. weird about it. Because this shit is weird, I think what she’s doing is amazing. I’m taking notes on establishing boundaries myself, from this post.

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