Father Who Accused Ezra Miller of ‘Grooming’ His Child Withdrew Court Filings: ‘Doing Our Level Best to Move On’

Posted by stars_doulikedem

1 Comment

  1. Undoubtedly very important and should be now be taken into consideration when talking about Ezra Miller from here on out. It’s been a while since I caught up with all the allegations, so I’m absolutely *not* comfortable in saying Ezra is 100% innocent of everything they’ve been accused of, but everyone should be able to take new information as it comes and re-examine our original ideas/beliefs.

    Sadly the internet is not good at changing its mind once it’s reached a conclusion. And maybe Ezra still deserves their ‘cancellation’, I genuinely don’t know enough to say one way or the other! I just know this story will get buried and most people won’t even consider it one way or the other.

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