Brad Pitt and George Clooney were each paid $35m to star in ‘Wolfs’ and the movie will be in theaters for only one week before being released for streaming on Apple TV+

Posted by demimonde9


  1. So whoever’s distributing this (Apple?) thinks they’re gonna lose money in theaters? Why?

  2. RonSwanson1081 on

    Paying all this money for something with little marketing and will probably be hardly remembered

  3. Comfortable-Load-904 on


    This is such a waste of money and resources that could have been better spent on different projects. I wish studios would just use some of their money to fund, develop and support new young talents like writers,directors and green light original films/shows instead of constant reboots/remakes. Also, I’m not going to watch any project with that abusive asshat.

  4. nomnomsquirrel on

    So it’s this season’s Ghosted equivalent for Apple then? Although, I don’t even think that one got even a week in theaters + it was just straight terrible.

  5. Wow, that’s infuriating. The whole production and post production world of media is totally collapsing right now and these two super millionaires are just “scrooge mcducking” in money vaults still. Total inequity as actors and crews struggle for work after strikes and tons of production leaving california, paralleled by streaming services pulling back on original content. Woof.

  6. Yes, $35 million for a movie is an insane amount of money but streamers have to pay absurd amounts because actors aren’t paid residuals or box-office back end for streaming movies. Points on box office gross can be massive. Agents know this and use it as leverage to command much higher salaries for streaming movies. It’s not like Brad or George make this on every project they do.

    The one week release is so it’s eligible for awards. Apple will probably lose money on it after distribution costs.

  7. Altruistic-Guard-100 on

    There was a report a few weeks ago that reported that Apple Tv has spent 20 billion dollars on its productions but their viewership of a month is the same as one day of Netflix’s. They are losing so much money

  8. pumpkinspruce on

    Hollywood seems to have lost the concept of a “good script.” Doesn’t matter if you have a whole cast of A-listers or fantastic effects. Start with a good script and likable characters. Then we’ll talk.

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