1. Classic-Carpet7609 on

    Omg the way these two would take an unsuspecting woman into the house of mirrors and tell her head to toe every single thing that was wrong with her

    Brings me back to a simpler way of life where bitchiness wasn’t just a hobby, it was a career path

  2. Plot is gonna be light on this one. Gonna just be like 28 minutes of scenery shots.

  3. I’m so glad it’s them coming back instead of them rebooting the show concept with some randoms. Sounds like they’ll be more accepting of everyone’s individual style, possibly helping them find it in the first place? I remember the old show involved being nominated by friends and family, which always made it feel even more mean. I wonder if this one might be a self audition situation?

  4. Just-Plankton-8553 on

    I hold them personally responsible for everyone including my teen self wearing cropped blazers with capris and dressing business casual at the club in the early 2000s

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