Why it’s taking so long to find the next James Bond

Posted by danielthetemp


  1. Thank god, allowing us the chance to miss the franchise is going to do wonders for the hype when it does come back. They’re doing what Marvel should have done after Endgame. The rest of Hollywood should take notice

  2. Whatever route they go in it needs to be different than the Craig era. They have to separate themselves from what made that era work so well.

  3. donkeybrisket on

    they already did tough gritty Bond, and can’t do a comedic Bond because that’s been done to death, too. Their only real hope, IMO is to go with a young Bond, and cast someone completely unknown. Having said that, I think the only way Bond works as a story without it becoming insane is setting the major plot of the film in the past. Frame it with some present day stuff if needed, but focus on the heydey of spycraft ie period piece

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