Glenn Powell Shuts Down Producer’s Claim That Ryan Gosling’s Appeal Is ‘Limited to Females’ While All Genders Love Powell: ‘Ryan Is a Legend. I’m Just Glen’

Posted by cmaia1503


  1. Money-not_you_again on

    The quote in that The Wrap was wild to see and read. I don’t care for the Hollywood white-heartthrob-system, but one of those dudes has been around critically killing it for 2 decades and the other just got finished chasing tornadoes and being left behind by Maverick.

    Let’s just pump the brakes on his superstardom just a little bit.

  2. Men don’t like Ryan Gosling? I guess they missed the whole “he’s literally me” trend on TikTok with Ryan specifically. Between BR249, Drive, and The Nice Guys, he’s like who everyone wants to be.

  3. Youll_change_back on

    “Limited to “”””females””””” is so obviously meant to be highlighting a failing and said as an insult lmao.

    They truly despise us always in every context. And they have the audacity to do it while discussing two dudes who wouldn’t be that famous if they weren’t just white. (And Ryan gosling fans please just don’t before you even start that absolutely applies to him to a degree as well 👋🏾)

  4. crystal_clear24 on

    What? Men love Ryan Gosling, there’s probably some recency bias going on with the producer because The Fall Guy flopped and people went into panic mode in May. Ryan’s a critical darling he’s just not a box office draw and I think it’s too soon to tell if Glen will be that. Movie going habits have changed a lot.

  5. Kidgorgeoushere on

    This is a cute response.

    But also, what?? Ryan Gosling – star of Drive, Blade Runner 2049, Place Beyond the Pines etc…doesn’t appeal to male audiences??

  6. Consumer_Distributin on

    What I get from this whole thing is that Hollywood PR agents and press are gross. But at least it’s not pitting two women against each other again?

  7. doomsdaysock01 on

    I’m so tired of being astroturfed into glen Powell being some superstar a lister lmao

    Ryan gosling has been around for decades in pretty consistently great movies, glen powell is nowhere near him

  8. Will give total dogshit a chance if the Gos is in it, foh. Am a straight male. Pretty sure I’m a straight male. 

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