A new study conducted by UCLA found that American viewers between the ages of 10 and 24 wanted to see less sex onscreen.

In fact, a slight majority (51 percent of the 1,500 surveyed) said they wanted to see more content about platonic relationships and friendships. While 47.5 percent said sex “isn’t needed” for most TV shows and movies, with 44 percent feeling romance is “overused.” Also, 44 percent say agree with a statement saying they “would rather clean the toilet” than go on an online date.

Posted by cmaia1503


  1. 10-24 is a wild age gap to ask about sex in media.

    I think some people are just tired of hamfisted romance and sex in things. When it’s well done and feels natural, it’s fine.

  2. >between the ages of 10 and 24 wanted to see less sex onscreen.

    Disney Channel has sure changed a lot since I last tuned in cause wtf?!?

  3. First of all that age range isn’t even totally Gen Z, and second of all, where are all these new movies full of romance and sex?

    I watch a LOT of new releases in theaters (I’ve probably seen about 100 in the last 18 months) and I can think of MAYBE five that had actual sex scenes. Very few were romance-focused as well, the only major ones I can think of that are recent are Challengers and The Fall Guy (neither of which had a sex scene).

  4. Kidgorgeoushere on

    Why are you asking preteens and teenagers anyway?? The exact audiences these movies aren’t made for??

  5. hauntingvacay96 on

    Not Gen z, but I just want good movies with characters that have chemistry and romance plots or subplots to have tension.

    I want eroticism.

    That’s what’s lacking. That’s what makes sex scenes good and what makes the fade to black work.

    Like, can we stop arguing about the sex and maybe get some foreplay around here?

    (Also, all sex scenes are unnecessary just like all scenes are unnecessary. They are artistic choice and shouldn’t be limited.)

  6. I’m upper Gen Z and I’ll be honest I know A LOT of people who skip sex scenes when watching something on streaming.

    I think with internet access available at such a young age, it feels like we’ve had sexualized content shoved at us our entire lives. It’s not shocking people would get bored of it and not want to see it anymore.

  7. curiousbeetle66 on

    This age range is wild, but that being said, I do think that cable and streaming movies and tv shows are going too far with intimate scenes, since most don’t add much to the plot, don’t feel deserved and are way too explicit.

    I prefer the broadcast TV way in which everything is implied, but that’s because I’m an adult living with my elderly parents and there’s stuff I straight up can’t watch in the living room TV, or even in my computer without headphones because it’s just embarrassing for everyone in the house.

    If it’s a big movie or tv show rated R or TV-MA, I usually wait a few days and then check imdb to see the parents guide.

  8. “A new study conducted by UCLA found that American viewers between the ages of 10 and 24 wanted to see less sex onscreen.” 10 yo aren’t gen Z and why are you asking that to kids ???

    Personally, I’m tired of sex scenes because it’s always the 2 same configurations, just the same copy paste with different actors, make something different for once

  9. I disagree so strongly with these respondents. We are living in a society that can’t tell the difference between titillation and hard core pornography. We need hornier movies!!!!

  10. Traditional_Maybe_80 on

    The sex scenes discourse is so ????? to me in general. I’m just unmoved, I guess. I’ve read some people online talking about how they can’t go to the cinema with their family because of sex scenes, when I’d never stop myself from watching something with my parents because of that reason.

    Anyways, I absolutely agree with this take by Brody from The New Yorker. Beyond the fact that’s silly to ask 10 year olds about this, lol, also there’s more nuance than just calling young people prudish.


  11. I want more Lemon/Jack relationships in shows. Nothing makes me quit a show faster than the main leads getting together just cause.

  12. That’s literally 300 people. That’s hardly a fair or accurate representation of an entire generation.

  13. mapleleafmaggie on

    The pandemic led to a rise in streaming at home rather than going to a theatre, and watching stuff at home could make you more likely to watch with family members who are home at the same time, so I think that could be one of the reasons.

  14. AbsolutelyIris on

    Why are 10 year Olds being asked about sex scenes?

    The puriteen movement is terrifying, I’ll say that.

  15. A lot of sex scenes are really crap tbh, I also hate when romances are just forced into a story when it’s not needed.

  16. KittensNCheeze4Life on

    I don’t know how this specific questionnaire was conducted but most likely no one asked ten year olds about sex scenes.

    As someone who has had to conduct these types of interviews we do take age into consideration. They most likely asked them if they liked kissing or romance scenes in movies.

    They probably used Disney films as references and compared let’s say Beauty and the Beast or Little Mermaid that is more romance focus and has kissing scenes versus something like Moana which does not.

    It’s actually not super uncommon for young kids to prefer platonic storylines versus romantic ones. As a librarian who has work the children’s section most kids under 13 really liked adventure stories with friends. And they may like a romance but it can’t be centered.

    Think how in the Babysitters Club books a lot of the girls had boyfriends but most of the stories focused on their friendship. And the amount of kids who like books about being orphaned is also telling! 😂

  17. Of course. Most people in that age range are only watching movies and tv shows with their parents.

  18. The study doesn’t say gen z want less sex, but the journalist who wrote this article probably does.

  19. Equal-Worldliness-66 on

    I’m a millennial and I’d also like less useless sex scenes. I’d prefer scenes that actually drive the plot and are well written. If the sex scene helps do that then I’m all for it. But if it’s just there for the sake of people getting their kit off on screen there are plenty of other places that do that, and far better, online.

  20. InviteNecessary1032 on

    I just left that demographic and I can tell you we don’t want less sex scenes, we want them to mean something or not be like random closeups. HBO specifically (and other networks) can be somewhat villainous in their portrayal of sex, and in this dating climate, why would we want to see more of the same?

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