Ice T Got Asked If ‘Law & Order: SVU’ Will Go ‘Back to Normal’ After It ‘Started Going Woke.’ He Responded: ‘What the F Is Woke? Like I Give a F—‘

Posted by cmaia1503



    It’s funny to me because the people that complain about “woke” are also the people who are very “rah rah capitalism/everything I don’t like is communism” yet the entire “woke” direction in films is based on the capitalist urge to make headway in new markets.

    No one was like “Let’s make this million dollar blockbuster with XYZ solely for diversity!” Instead it was definitely more about “Let’s make Character X Race Y so Race Y goes and sees our movie!”

    Now, it is a very convenient/useful political shield sometimes, especially when your movie/TV show does bad. But it’s not like “being woke” is the overall goal.

  2. InconspicuousD on

    To answer that question on an industry wide level, no. As the buying power of white America decreases and more demographics grow in size, content will grow to reflect that – which is good mind you.

    It’s not woke, it’s reflective of the target audience, which in the case of network police procedurals, is the largest possible audience. All those putting energy into fighting the “woke agenda” are wasting their time.

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