Bhad Bhabie is not happy with her portrait tattoo of her partner Le Vaughn on her leg.

Posted by ThrowRA-mundane


  1. areallyreallycoolhat on

    It’s not the best portrait tattoo I’ve seen, but far from the worst tbh

  2. Comfortable-Load-904 on


    He is abusive and this isn’t the best idea ever.

  3. JeromeInDaHouse_90 on

    Isn’t that the guy who beat her up? She got a tattoo of him on her body? I know it’s her life, but man, smh.

  4. Sleepy-Giraffe947 on

    I really want to say something snarky because name tattoos, let alone face tattoos of your significant other, regardless if they’re well or badly done is a terrible, terrible idea.

    But given the video that circulated of him being violent with her not too long ago, I really hope she has a decent support network for her and her daughter.

  5. FunInsurance6137 on

    Girl, don’t get this abusive man’s face tattooed on your body 😭


  6. Routine_Bluejay4678 on

    Dammit i’m really rooting for this girl! I understand the mentality of being in abusive relationship and not seeing sense but this is just wild!

  7. HammerHandedHeart on

    She will be broke in the near future if she stays with this man. 25mil isn’t as much as you think.

  8. Queasy_Limit7644 on

    i can’t say I really give a fuck? she was a horrible child who’s turned into a horrible adult

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