Victoria Jackson Says She’s “Not Sad” Amid Inoperable Tumor Diagnosis

Posted by Life_Actuary_424


  1. ExpertAverage1911 on

    The article is so sweet compared to the canned headline.  She talks about how deeply she loves her grandkids and that she hasn’t missed a moment with them.

  2. I know she is a shitty person, but damn I really hate to find out someone has incurable cancer.

  3. beanburritoperson on

    She was a family friend way back for years — very generous but very bizarre views and conclusions. We’d attend church together back when we were in the general cult of evangelicalism. We weren’t friends anymore by the time Obama ran for president and she really went off the rails. Her racism behind the scenes that we witnessed was more in asking wildly ignorant questions and us wanting to change the subject immediately. Her husband was always very quiet and I don’t remember much about him other than him being in the background. Finding out he’s MAGA totally makes sense, and I wonder how fully radicalized she was before reuniting with and marrying him. Her dad’s religiosity fucked her up early on. (I am NOT claiming any specific abuse.) Nostalgia does crazy things. I hope Aubrey is well. Vicky’s comment about wanting Aubrey to  felt REALLY manipulative but maybe she’s trying? I couldn’t find anything on her presently; I never really knew Scarlett cuz she lived elsewhere. 

    My mom and I listened to the videos and we both have histories of cancer. We’re sympathetic to anyone going through any form of cancer whether a stage 1 scare or terminal stage 4. But… we’re very suspicious of the content she’s put out about this new tumor. Keep in mind we wish her well but she was never fully mentally stable. Our biggest red flag is that she says the medication studies say she could live for x months. That’s… not the same as an oncologist telling you about your specific case. It might have been an accident but it was disingenuous for her to not correct the headlines. 

    We are hoping she’s exaggerating for attention or money for the sake of her health and her family, but my mom became more and more suspicious the more she watched Vicky’s videos. My mom is very trusting of her friends so for her to think that, it just reinforced my own weird feelings about it. 

    I obviously don’t want to doxx myself here but if anyone has any questions about our time around her, feel free. We weren’t star struck by her so I can’t say I remember every little experience but a few funny anecdotes come to mind. 

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