1. I relate to this message so much. I have severe eczema and when I don’t take my injectable for it and have a flare, I get those same hurtful questions from well-meaning people.

  2. D-g-tal-s_purpurea on

    Great for him! How sad, that he felt so ashamed of it for so long.

    20 years ago on my way home from school I always saw a girl who had a ‘port wine’ birthmark on her face. I always wondered what people said to her. She was classically pretty, but I can imagine that kids and teens were cruel. Who knows, maybe she was ‘lucky’ and had nice classmates.

    I was told twice as a kid and teen by boys that I’d be pretty if I didn’t wear glasses. I wore contacts for several years until I couldn’t anymore for medical reasons and I still feel so shitty about wearing glasses on the daily. It’s better now as an adult but I remember those comments.

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