Part of the railing from the port side bow of the Titanic has fallen after 112 years

Posted by mcfw31


  1. Superdogbiter1 on

    underwater pictures of the titanic spook me does it spook anyone else.It’s stupid but when i was a kid i used to think a rust monster lived there and would come out of the water and drag me down there

  2. Classic-Carpet7609 on

    Just this idea of being 3 miles down in the darkness and depth of the ocean and seeing this haunted steel monster materialize gives me the heebie jeebies

  3. I find the underwater photos of the Titanic both so eerie and sad. At this point, I wish we as a society would just leave it alone and let what’s left of it rest. That’s wishful thinking though, there’s always so much cultural fascination around it.

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