Laika (stop-motion studio)’s gender disparity

Posted by Big-Ambitions-8258


  1. Animation unfortunately is still struggling with gender disparity (and honestly diversity in general). I’ve seen Women in Animation’s slogan turn from “50/50 by 2020” to “50/50 by 2025,” but considering underrepresented genders only make up about [~34% of the industry right now](…I imagine the goalpost will keep moving for a while.

    As a result, there are unfortunately still far too many stories like this one. Laika isn’t unionized, so the gender inequality is probably heightened due to lack of labor standards, but even at union studios, there are many stories of gender disparities and mistreatment. The instagram [stories_of_tag]( is a community run account that documents (anonymous) stories like this (plus other stories related to the many issues in the industry) if anyone is interested in reading more first hand accounts.

    There’s also a separate account for stop motion studios specifically, [stopmo_industry_stories]( — as there are currently no unionized stop-motion studios.

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