Joaquin Phoenix Declines to Address Sudden Exit from Todd Haynes Film: Speaking Out Wouldn’t ‘Be Right’

Posted by petra_vonkant


  1. So he’s cool leaving a project and crew in the lurch and jobless, but speaking on it is suddenly faux pas. Got it, got it,

  2. In a just world this would ruin his career especially since it seems like the reasons he departed are over things he pushed to include but because he’s him, that won’t happen and Hollywood will fall over itself to keep him around. Let this had been a woman and/or a person of color and/or a queer person and they’d be blacklisted but nope, he’ll be just fine and we get to lose out on a queer story because a hetero (who shouldn’t have been involved in the first place) got cold feet.

  3. an-inevitable-end on

    INTERVIEWER: Can you explain to us why you abandoned the film and left everyone with no job?



  4. >“I think if I do [speak about the reasoning], I’d just be sharing my opinion from my perspective, and the other creatives aren’t here to say their piece, and it just doesn’t feel like that would be right,” the Oscar winner told the reporter who asked about the incident.

    But Phoenix was the one pitched who pitched the project to Haynes in the first place. Ironic to say you don’t want to share your perspective when the reason why this whole thing happened is because you shared your perspective.

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