Katy Perry “explains” why she decided to work with Dr. Luke

Posted by Rude_Lifeguard


  1. WildMajesticUnicorn on

    She wasn’t singing about women’s empowerment. She was singing about the empowerment of only one woman: herself.

    How out of touch can she be?

  2. IndigoBlueBird on

    I need to take over these people’s podcasts, because I would not let these stupid ass celebrities give these non-answers.

  3. FrozenRose_816 on

    Just say you wanted a piece of Doja’s success and go. That’s all you saw, not this “empowerment” bs. That word is starting to lose its meaning imo.

  4. She didn’t actually answer the question. She buried it under a bunch of unrelated “I’m a mom now” horseshit, like that answered the question

  5. GetRealPrimrose on

    “The thing about working with him is” *Goes on about a bunch of unrelated shit.

    Cool, it came from you. You still worked with a fucking predator and gave him money. You’re not empowering anyone Katy, just yourself

  6. I feel like she doesn’t actually understand why people are upset. She’s answering as if the problem is people think Dr Luke wrote the album for her, as if he was her ghostwriter, and she’s just the pretty performer. I don’t need to tell anyone here that that is ***not*** the issue.

  7. idontwantausernam1 on

    It’s like, yet again, Katy Perry fails to realize that the entire world does not revolve around her and her experiences. Being a mom isn’t even that unique of an experience yet she turns it into her only identifying factor for this album. Lady! This question had nothing to do with the song or the album itself. I wonder if she has even realized that she’s no longer relevant and that’s why she’s sitting on that side of the couch?

  8. First words out of her mouth are a lie “I understand”

    The fact that you still worked with him shows you understand nothing, and nobody needs to start these conversations. That’s why your song was shit and ur shit is flopping. It’s called karma for being an asshole. Bye bye Katy you are old news.

  9. Appropriate_Ice_2433 on

    This was a stupid, non answer from her.

    Own it flop girlie, you willing chose to work with a predator.

  10. genescheesesthatplz on

    God I hate when they get defensive and act like the criticism and fans are completely unreasonable

  11. Katy, if you had so many collaborators couldn’t you have jettisoned that POS and just availed yourself of the help of what you describe as many, many other people? Being a ‘matriarch’ doesn’t cancel out being shitty.

  12. But but but she worked with him in the past and she worked with a lot of other people this time too!! 😵‍💫

  13. LivingDeliously on

    To summarize, because she wanted to and she doesn’t care what anyone else has to say 🤡

  14. Was there any point here? Even as a fake pr throwaway answer I’m struggling to understand what she was saying

  15. She did not explain anything 💀 God I can’t tell if she’s genuinely this stupid, being willfully obtuse or just enormously selfish.

  16. Oof. Had to stop it at “creating another set of organs”. What a nonsensical deflecting bullshit nothing-burger of an answer

  17. Absolute nonsensical word salad.

    And I’m so sick of white Western (mostly rich and famous) feminists using motherhood as a shield against any form of criticism or really anything that’s not directly kissing their ass. We’ve regressed so much that female empowerment now apparently means behaving like you’re not a bloody adult who’s able to actually own their actions and take responsibility.

  18. “I understand why people are upset that I chose to work with him and I appreciate the seriousness of what he has been accused with. However, I can only judge him based on my interactions with him which have all been positive….” Would that make it better? Hell no. Nothing can. So she might as well own it…but at least acknowledge that she owns it.

    I get why PR just wants her to doge the question but that’s just dumb in this situation. Own the choice and move on.

  19. She never actually answered why she worked with him; just that he was one of several. If his contribution was so minor, why not cut him out entirely?

  20. “I am sorry I worked with a predator, it’s because I have a daughter”


    The audacity, lol. From the bottom of my heart, I hope Perry’s kid and all little girls will grow up in a better world than us

  21. This was the most non-answer answer. She didn’t acknowledge why people were upset about her working with him. It doesn’t matter if he was one of many or if the output was mostly her. She still chose to work with him (which was completely unnecessary) and still refuses to answer for why or acknowledge it was a problematic decision.

  22. “Well you see, I just didn’t care. I wanted my big comeback and since working with Dr. Luke got me a hit album before I worked with him again.” Fixed it for you Katy.

  23. Wow talk about not answering the question and of course, it’s all okay because she’s a mother! Like what?

  24. Hot take: Childbearing isn’t some mysterious, divine concept. It’s impressive and deserves far more respect and protection, but it’s often romanticized in a strange, almost sacred way, like how Katy is doing here.

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