1. Sleepy-Giraffe947 on

    I’ve heard rumours that Barron is turning out to be just as bad as his dad and siblings, but I feel like if the public keeps on ridiculing him, it’ll only continue to push him in that direction. Hopefully since he’s only 18, university will open himself up to more liberal ideals and experiences.

  2. ExpertAverage1911 on

    The person posting those reels and commentary is super gross imo.  Talking about falsely befriending the rich kid and “taking one for the team” to get at his money is repugnant.

  3. Significant_Ad7605 on

    Not an Ivy? Also interesting that he’s going to a school so immersed in the city (primarily for security sake) – wonder if it’s to he can stay close to his mom. Guessing Columbia said no.

  4. I didn’t realise he was now college age, in my mind he’s 14. Those Covid years really did a number on my mental timeline

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