Beyoncé shares photos from her 43rd birthday (September 4, 2024)

Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. Material-Macaroon298 on

    Cool. Looks like her birthday was her, Jay, and a photographer. I like low key birthdays usually too.

  2. The hive will attack me for saying this but I sometimes wonder what Beyoncé’s evolution and personality would’ve looked like independent of Jay-Z. Up until a certain point I’ve never been able to disassociate her from him.

  3. Don’t come for me, but those balloons are underwhelming.
    My kids have gotten cuter from a car wash

  4. I’m just not a fan of these staged celebrity shoots that are aiming to show their life, but just feel like I’m being sold something. I prefer the candid seemingly unstaged normal pictures.

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