This is my list of my favorite TV’s Slow-Burn Romances.. What is yours?

Posted by Cr7-Cr7Real


  1. WilliamsRutherford on

    From Elite, the Spanish show on Netflix, which had an AMAZING season 1, it has to be Guzman and Nadia:


  2. WilliamsRutherford on

    And another classic option, Daphne and Niles from Frasier:


  3. Bones and Booth were like crack to me in high school. House and Cuddy similarly so.


    And don’t get me started on Lorelai and Luke 🥹🥹🥹

  4. Whatever happened to these last two ? I was obsessed with this show when it was airing, and I’ve never seen them again since its ending.

  5. Disastrous_Animal_34 on


    I honestly wish they let this one burn for one more season…

  6. Oh man. I was a kid when moonlighting aired. I was shipping David and Maddie before I even knew what shipping was 😂🤣

    I read recently that they didn’t get along, which is a pity if true. They had phenomenal chemistry

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