Andrew Tate ‘raped and strangled us’ – women tell BBC

Posted by FlyGloomy


  1. filleauxyeuxverts on

    I feel so overwhelmed with grief for all women who suffer in the hands of men. All the news that came to light in the last couple of weeks from all around the world about all these huge tragedies are so heartbreaking. That’s all I could think about today. I hope these men suffer so much more than any woman ever did.

  2. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    Disgusting vile man, I can’t wait for him to finally end up in jail for good. I hope all his victims receive the justice they deserve and I hope they are surrounded by supportive people on their healing journey.

  3. Those voice notes and texts are absolutely demonic ,repulsion does not scratch the surface about how I feel about the Tates.

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