Reading the story was horrifying. I'm not sure how the editor felt comfortable publishing it. When called out, they refused to address the situation and have instead focused their attention on the minority comments that were vile in nature – without focusing on the crux of the matter.

The magazine seems to have absolved itself of any responsibility.

@lucilletherescuecat on Instagram has a good number of informative posts on the matter

Posted by IfatallyflawedI


  1. IfatallyflawedI on

    To add: the Instagram accounts of The Cut and NY Mag are blocking any accounts commenting on their posts that have now limited the comments and the accounts mentioning them in tagged captions, comments, or posts.

  2. I’m (maybe too generously) assuming this person is suffering from PPD/PPA but why not do the right thing and rehome her cat? There was no need to tell on herself in a way she thought would be relatable but is outrageously concerning. 

    I’m worried about the cat, I’m worried about the baby, I’m worried about the woman. Such a horrific read. 

  3. I read this story when it was published and I am a little surprised the backlash was slow building and delayed. The Cut has a decent history of publishing stories designed to generate chatter and backlash then wiping their hands of any responsibility. I had no sympathy for the people who hated their pets for having needs they were unable and unwilling to meet but I felt for those poor animals. I think what really upset me is the acknowledgment that if they were to do this to a human, they would be in jail. Animal cruelty is very much a crime and it feels almost taunting to write this all out, knowing what they did was animal abuse and they got away with it.

  4. dragondragonflyfly on

    …why not rehome the cat? Literally the solution to her problem. And why did her partner not realize the cat wasn’t being taken care of?

    **Edit:** PPD is very serious, but I want to add the partner had an equal share in this. He seemingly did not help this animal in any way.

  5. Multi_21_Seb_RBR on

    The horrible person that served as the author of this piece meeds to be exposed and fully shamed, if only the other employees of the magazine don’t get abused online. The head of the magazine and editor in chief also both need to be shamed more too for platforming this vile and horrible person and publishing it as if was nothing. And the gall to act like a victim.

  6. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    That was a heartbreaking and harrowing read, if she didn’t want the cat anymore why didn’t she give it away instead of torturing the poor animal that couldn’t defend itself? Some people truly lack empathy and compassion, I hope whoever ended up with that poor cat showers it with affection and treats. Also, someone should keep an eye on her around the baby, as she doesn’t seem like a person that should be left unsupervised with a vulnerable baby.

  7. I love how she insists she didn’t kick the cat. As if that justifies starving her and denying her water so much that she started drinking from the fucking toilet.

    Just rehome the pet or put her in a shelter instead of tormenting the poor thing.

  8. I hate how they phrase it in a way to “normalise” this sick behaviour as if it’s the norm. Urm no at this point you’re just telling on yourself. I know people who love their cat as much even after giving birth to a baby.

  9. This post screams missing reasons. Why does her cat hate her husband? Why was the husband not helping with pet care when she was stressed with the baby? And if her postpartum mood was so bad she left cat litter overflowing and the cat was pissing and shitting on the floor (it would have reeked), why did her husband not step up and help her and the cat over at least a span of 2 months, weird

  10. The editor’s response is such cowardly dogshit.

    OP and her husband are vile for outright neglecting their cat, and I hope their baby doesn’t become too difficult for them to care about later on. Christ.

  11. I don’t think we should ~normalize~ rehoming pets because they are a commit for however many years they live, but we really gotta stop shaming people so harshly for it. Some times it really is in the animal’s best interest and not just a selfish act.

  12. anabsolutebanger on

    I wish I could unread this. I’m 24 and adopted a cat not too long ago. She’s a little shit, but she’s my little shit. It wasn’t this cat’s choice to be in an unloving home. I hope what this woman did haunts her for a long time.

  13. Currently sitting on an airplane, flying home with a cat I just met and this broke my heart. Some things don’t need to be published.

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