It’s officially been one year since Chris Evans got married thus shattering the hearts of parasocial fan girls around the world.

Posted by Shortsuff16


  1. Mean_Zucchini1037 on

    To me he just looks like the guy in high school who became a gym teacher or a physiotherapist

  2. I’m just tired of age gaps tbh and I think a lot of ppl who went “uhhh….” for that reason got quickly lumped into “Wow they must be crazy/hysterical/jealous women” which is yikes. It’s a really good PR move to associate that with “crazy bitter women” ig bc there are like D-list celebs I’ve seen with similar age gaps who get blasted.

  3. Queen_Evergreen on

    Someone in this sub once wrote that she looked like Elliot Page from back in the day and I wish I could find that person and give them this 🥇becuase it was really a spot on visual reference.

  4. I remember that unhinged letter they wrote. Almost on par with Club Chalamet’s sub meltdown – “he’s TRASHED his career for TRASH people!!!”

  5. It’s kind of interesting to blame the fan base when he was totally playing up the Internet boyfriend, single guy thing. Flirting with Lizzo and whatnot when the whole time he was in a relationship

  6. Is she still forcing him to be married to her? Poor Chris. When will this sham of a PR marriage end? /s

  7. Honestly, if it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t have seen “that” video of her.


  8. Idk something in my brain will not let me be attracted to taken men. If they are in relationships I become sexually repulsed by them. He literally just does not look appealing in any of these photos.

    They look happy though so happy for them. They at least aren’t being annoying about being together like some famous couples.

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