The 3 minute video message posted by Catherine, Princess of Wales about her journey toward recovery ❤️‍🩹

Posted by HauteAssMess


  1. Hmm this is the first time I’ve ever heard her speak. Didn’t realize he had an accent. It doesn’t sound London (not sure where she’s from).

    It’s a nice video and glad she’s doing better. She’s obviously close to her children and fortunately they still get to have her and in relatively good health.

  2. Love this video! You can’t fake this closeness and happiness, especially with their children. I feel like this is the most personal video and message William & Catherine ever put out to public. It’s heartwarming. I’m happy for her!

  3. Visible_Writing7386 on

    Good for her and best wishes! Whatever you may think about the royal family, take the positive message from this video. I’m sure people who are going through similar thing in their family can relate.

  4. NotAsBrightlyLit on

    I’m hopeful that her saying she’s doing everything to “remain cancer free” means that she did hear that good news, and that her cancer is gone.

    It’s lovely of them to not only give us an update on their very personal journey, but also to reach out to others on the same path and offer their support.

    Continued comfort and healing to them all.

  5. Aww, this was actually really sweet. Glad to hear that she’s doing well. Regardless of anyone’s feelings about the royal family, there are still three children who need their mom. It’s obvious they’re all very close, and they seem like a loving family.

  6. The video almost looks like scenes from The Thin Red Line, someone has definitely been looking over Terrence Malick’s shoulders, well done.

  7. cloudydays2021 on

    This is a really sweet video.

    She highlighted something that oftentimes is not mentioned – that although chemo is over, the path to healing and full recovery is a long one. A lot of people think that the end of chemo or radiation treatments means everything is all good and you’re back to normal but if anything, the post-treatment time is even more scary. I’m glad she pointed out that there’s still a long road ahead.

  8. Longjumping-Buy-4736 on

    This is extremely well shot for a royal family communication piece. Very “tree of life”.

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