TLC star Collin Gosselin says mom Kate ‘zip tied his arms and legs & locked him in basement’

Posted by Jenna7979


  1. Green_Message_6376 on

    As a male, who grew up with a brutally violent and abusive mother, no one on TV has ever reminded me so much of that evil person. I grew up where there was a scapegoat/golden child dynamic. Collin has a lot of therapy and healing to do. I hope that Kate gets back ten fold karma for the abuse and violence she unleashed on this child.

  2. He needs to sue tlc because they clearly knew Kate was abusive and did nothing to help the children. I remember there being a huge debate about her having a large wooden spoon in her car that she drove around with to scare the children.

  3. Anyone who’s watched anything from this woman shouldn’t be surprised that she is abusive.

  4. I know I’m generalising, but at this point I’m convinced that parents who put their kids on display for fame and profit are a danger to their children. I feel like it should be seen as a predictor of abuse. There’s just way too many examples. Poor Collin – that letter made me cry. I hope he finds a way to heal. His mother is a criminal.

  5. Moist_Berry5409 on

    what the hell
    edit: im reading through the article and the alleged abuse here is horrific. apparently he tild multiple crew members and teachers what was haooening and was oulled out of school in response. after their house was sold the new owners asked jon just what the room in the basement with a lock on the outside was for, this poor boy has suffered immensely

  6. My mom put me in the first institution when I was 7. I was just gone overnight, POOF. I was supposedly bipolar, lol. AT 7. This continued until I was 16, and a Dr at Herman Memorial in Houston shut her tf down and told me to get out from under her roof. (Thanks, Dr. Guerra) So, that’s what I did. I left home at 16. What freaks me out the most now, myself being a middle-aged lady with grown children, is how easy it was for her. No one questioned her. No one helped me. No one believed me. I’ve always maintained that the enablers are worse than the Narc themselves.

    Hilariously, mental Healthcare actually started getting better in the 90’s and after the first few places (the first place was shut down for inventing diagnosis for insurance fraud and was a huge scandal in my city, but she’d already gotten her foot in the door.) I learned to navigate and keep myself sane and grounded and learned a lot of great coping skills. My therapist and I have a running joke that I am FAR better off than I have any right to be. I hope this dude has a happy life. It’s possible, and him accepting that he was wronged and isn’t bad or crazy is half the fucken battle. Good luck lil dude…

  7. TortillaWallace on

    I wonder where this will go. Something doesn’t add up on both sides. The lawyer has a point, why would the marines look into this based on an ig post? Kate’s post references something posted by one of the twins, where Mady had accused Collin of violence and racism and homophobia?

    But I also can’t and won’t discredit Collin either. He was clearly sent away for 22 months, and also he provided that psychiatric evaluation declaring him to be clear of all of the original things he was diagnosed with. And I’ll even add that it feels like bullying and Instagram post singing out your “troubled child.”

    I am curious if any other children will say anything publicly. No matter what, it is clear that these children were failed.

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