Blake Lively drama just got WORSE…(the truth exposed)


[Music] Kevin Macleod


  1. Her direct actions pertaining to this film will ensure I will NEVER see it. Coming from a devastating domestic violence situation myself, I find her promotion and attitude sickening.

  2. The first giel reviewing the shampoo…giirrrl, if you KNEW you didn't like the shape of this product then why did you buy it in the first place!????
    I'm trying to get through this book right now and I'm halfway in it, but I've lost interest in even trying to finish it because of everything going on with all this drama. Also everything is so long and drawn out in this book I feel like I'm reading the movie script. I've never gotten so bored and skipped through so many pages before (I'm also not a huge reader). But I've heard from many others that this book is kinda trash. Also didnt know going into it that it was about DV…another reason I don't want to continue.

  3. 9:00 I’m sorry, this picture is exactly why I won’t buy her crappy hair care stuff. If you want me to shell out money for your line, don’t look like you don’t own a brush for your promo picture. You look like you fought the Oklahoma tornado winds and lost. Hard.

  4. Her nourishing shampoo is mismarketed and is actually a CLARIFYING shampoo. Literally, the formula down to a T is a clarifying shampoo. Javon the cosmetic chemist broke it down and yeah, it's not what it's marketed as. That's why it's stripping people's hair.

  5. This is why victims of dv don’t speak up as often. It’s being romanticized in the media and dulled down that it influences people into believing it’s okay. Which isn’t. DV is a very serious and life threatening situation and proper light needs to be shed on it.

  6. A single scene isn’t going to earn Mr. Reynolds any writing credits. You have to write at least 50% of the script in order to gain any kind of credit. There are plenty of writers who are called in to rewrite two or three scenes, or even just write dialogue for certain films, and they don’t receive any credit.

  7. As a director shouldn’t he know the script and whether something has been changed (change as in an alteration afterwards, presuming he saw the original). Aren’t they working with it. Esp. an important scene. Confused that he was surprised.

  8. Come on ladies she has had what seems like a few crappy moments. Does it warrant everyone trashing her?
    I think everyone needs to just enjoy the movies and stop trying to figure out the behavior of people we really don’t know. Leave her alone

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