J.K. Simmons Thought Damien Chazelle Was a Black Man After Reading ‘Whiplash’ Script. Then They Met: ‘Who’s This Curly-Haired Kid From New Jersey?’

Posted by cmaia1503

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  1. > “I see a genius script by somebody who clearly understands jazz, the quintessential American musical art form—and a largely African American art form,” Simmons told Vanity Fair. “The guy’s name is Damien Chazelle. I’m picturing Antoine Fuqua. I’m going into this meeting thinking it’s going to be some tall, elegant-looking Black guy with a beret.”

    > “We go to meet at this restaurant, and of course he’s there a few minutes early because he’s a young guy,” he continued. “I get there right on time, as is my wont, and I’m literally looking around the restaurant, which is not very crowded—I’m looking right past or through Damien, who finally stands up and waves at me. I’m like, ‘Who’s this little curly-haired kid from New Jersey?’”

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