Taylor Momsen attended the KidSuper Funny Business Comedy & Fashion Show during NYFW (September 9, 2024)

Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. Wow she looks so mature! Like her whole face suddenly looks really adult. I’m used to her being a cute kid but she is a stunning young woman!

  2. Truth_Seeker963 on

    I feel like this exposure is unnecessary, and yes, I would say the same if a man exposed his chest like this at an event.

  3. Exciting_Fix9444 on

    Why is everyone’s mouth open?

    We can see your chiselled cheekbones with other expressions too!

  4. Ordinary-Meeting-701 on

    Can’t judge the fit, if I looked like this I’d never wear clothes or shut up about it

  5. This would have looked so much better with a mesh bandeau top. If thats really electrical tape rip the nips. Literally

  6. blinkandmissout on

    Are those ab implants?

    I don’t doubt she’s incredibly fit, but they look off to me somehow.

  7. I feel like she’s one of the only cast members that’s truly rid herself of the Gossip Girl brand. Ain’t nothing wrong with Gossip Girl, but ain’t nothing wrong with breaking free either. And yes. abs.

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