Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. carolinemathildes on

    I don’t know if “Rome wasn’t built in a day” really works for using animal fur and skin in a clothing collection. He’s not the only one who does it, sure, and I’m not even as upset about it as some people are, like if I see someone wearing fur, I don’t get angry at them personally. But his response is not a great one. He handled it politely, sure, but if he didn’t want to use skin and fur in his collections, he just wouldn’t.

  2. I am all for preservation and campaigns against animal abuse, etc.. I just wonder how many flight has this protestor taken this year….

  3. Nobody forced him to design a million-dollar crocodile leather bag 🙄 I understand it’s not easy to fix all the problems of the fashion industry just like that but using exotic leathers seems like an easy thing to give up first…

  4. CranberryFit6080 on

    She had the chance to have a conversation and hold him accountable on the spot but chose to just annoyingly yell. These protestors are just attention seeking morons and doesn’t do the organization any justice.

  5. TortillaWallace on

    The thing that always pisses me off about anti animal product protests is that the “faux fur” “vegan leather” stuff is all plastic!!!

    I own a fur coat that is over 40 years old. I bought it second hand. Its in great condition! The key is that to be sustainable it should be purchased secondhand and/or *once*. I’ve had many pairs of fake leather shoes wear out in under a year. Real leather? Lasts for years with proper care! Plastic products fall apart quicker and don’t break down for thousands of years.

    Ofc mass produced animal products are also unsustainable, due to waste and over consumption of these items. But at least they could last at a level that PLASTIC CLOTHING cannot..

  6. my mom always said to buy real leather because it holds up better, and i remember hearing about how that holds true for the broader environmental impact (better to buy 1 real piece that lasts instead of pleather that falls apart in a few years).

    if anyone has reading on the environmental impact differences between the two, i would be interested in seeing it (if possible!)

  7. januarysdaughter on

    Do these people resize that vegan leather is plastic, which is terrible for the environment?

  8. Dizzy-Pollution6466 on

    I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again, PETA has to the makings of a fantastic organizations but it needs a complete overhaul. They can’t keep doing shit like this.

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