Michael B. Jordan To Direct And Star In New ‘Thomas Crown Affair’ Movie From Outlier Society And Amazon MGM

Posted by impeccabletim


  1. Austinpowerstwo on

    This still has a chance to be decent cos it’s Michael B as a sexy art thief, but is the Thomas Crown affair name really drawing anyone? More chance of a hit if it was a new property i swear 

  2. If this is done right and no expense is spared, I’m there. I love the remake and the original is great. Why not?

  3. i know the kneejerk reaction is to reject remakes (that’s usually mine too) but let’s not act like this movie being the third remake is so terrible when there are four *a star is born* movies and they’re all pretty good. *freaky friday* (2003) was the third remake of its kind, and i love that movie, so i’m open to this. i’m not gonna act like this will be an awards contender, but who cares if it’s another remake at this point?

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