Zachary Levi admits he was having money problems during the pandemic; he lived in a commune as friends helped. Might explain why he had a meltdown when Shazam 2 bombed and why he was begging for roles on Twitter.

Posted by RedditAPIBlackout24


  1. Shazam 2 was terrible. And this is coming from someone who can’t stand him, but loved the first one and was excited for the sequel.

  2. HerRoyalRedness on

    We as a society have progressed past the need to hear from this turd.

    ETA: if he was desperate for money he should’ve gone on fewer rants about how the COVID vaccine was evil

  3. I love when rich people never say how they spend their money.. “i just spend my liquidity” .. Liquidity.. hmmm. So that means that he either bought a house or stocks or something that he wasn’t willing to part with because stocks were growing, houses were getting increased value etc.. Dude has been in this business for 20+ years. Was part of a very successful tv show in the days before streaming where tv shows made MONEY… LIKE MONEY..

    5 seconds of google gave me 900k per episode for him. They had a total of 91 episodes. Lets say halfway through he started making that money. 45 episodes.. 45*0.9=40.5 million dollars.. 50% taxes 20.25 million dollars. 10% on agents etc. lets say 20% because of how actors get screwed by managers.. 20.25-20%=16.2 million.. now i only counted half the episodes..lets say for the other half he made less so 16.2+50% of that is about 24.1 million.. lets cut it even MORE.

    Let’s say 20 million.. 20 million dollars in 2007-2012. Clean money after taxes and everything. And that is LOW. VERY LOW. Because you have to count ads he did at the time. appearances..

    During 2007-2012 he also did tangled. a bunch of crappy movies that easily paid 6 figures or more. He did a voice for fallout.

    After that he was in heroes reborn. He was in a tangled tv movie. he was in other tv shows. Marvelous maisel etc…

    This dude had easily 20-25++++++ million in 2012. MORE actually.. because while agents and managers take 10-20%. They also invest your money. They put in stocks and other things.. So unless he snorted that shit or just went on buying sprees. He still had money..

    My actual estimate is probably 50-60 million for him EASY if he didn’t waste it all..

    And your “money problems” don’t explain your move to being a conservative douche.

    Also before the pandemic he 100% had money in stocks..stocks rose 4-500% during the pandemic.. 10 million in apple puts you at 40 million in capital gains.. -20% tax that is 32 million + your original 10 million investment.. Tesla? 10 million in tesla in 2019 puts you at 200 million in capital gains at its peak in 2021 where all the smaller players started selling -20% =160 million plus your original 10% .

    He is either the dumbest rich person ALIVE or he is lying through his teeth. I don’t know ONE rich person from my extended extended circle that didn’t increase their money by at least 30% during the pandemic.. it was an orgy of wealth for the 1%

  4. RaspberryWhiteClaw13 on

    I know he’s being weird. However, I have met him when I worked on a film and he was the NICEST guy. Very friendly. My boss brought his kids in because they loved Shazam and he took pics with them and talked to them for about 10 minutes, answering any questions.

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