Pharrell, who wrote Britney Spears’ ‘I’m a Slave 4 U,’ says he wouldn’t use ‘slave’ in a song title today: “That’s not a word to play with these days.”

Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. I personally really like the song and am not offended by it, but I also think his stance is entirely valid and I totally respect where he’s coming from

  2. Well it wasn’t a word to play with back then, but okay 😅 isn’t this why Janet turned it down

  3. It’s fine for any artist to have their own opinion about their art.

    Still, literally zero people thought he meant chattel slavery and 99.9% of people understand that words, even spicy words, have more than one meaning and possibly dozens more meanings when you add in context.

    Again, this guy can do what he wants but sounds more like he’s preaching that no artist should “play” with the word, which is puritan bullshit.

  4. Come on seriously who the hell thought whatever the hell he’s talking about when the song came on. I was busy enjoying Britney Spears and not thinking the word was even remotely close to that. Sometimes people just confuse the shit out of me when it comes to things like this I don’t get it really.

  5. Omg. Just stop. 🤦‍♂️ The word was used purposefully in the song to communicate the level of desire the singer had for the object of the song. It’s no deeper than that and even Pharrell knows this. No idea why he’s playing these games now. It doesn’t even come close to condoning actual slavery or hint that slavery is ok. It’s using exaggeration as a literary device. That’s it. Can’t help but notice he’s keeping all the money he made with using that word. 🙄

  6. Maybe not get triggered so easily and understand the context of how the word is used. Censoring words can possibly backfire as the use of the word/term requires understanding of it. If we don’t remember or understand what a slave was, how do we recognise one today?

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