Former Miss Switzerland finalist allegedly strangled to death and ‘pureed’ in blender by husband

Posted by hoppip_olla


  1. pink_faerie_kitten on

    The TW comes after the triggering headline. Could we edit out some of it especially the pureed part? Thanks 🙏

  2. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    What a heartbreaking and traumatic way to end someone’s life. I hope she gets the justice she deserves and may her killer receive a sentence reflecting the severity of the crime he committed. That poor woman, I can’t imagine how her family and friends are feeling today. Each and every day we are confronted by news of the horrific murder of a woman at the hands of a man who claimed to love her. This is world is seriously messed up and continues to revel in the pain and destruction of women. Rest in peace Kristina, you deserve to be remembered for more than how your life ended.

  3. badatcreatingnames on

    What a day to know how to read. This poor woman. I dare not even imagine how her family feels knowing all this.

  4. When will we start taking about femicide as a threat to public health? When will society and governments take the threat seriously? How many women have to die before even the news talks about these incidents as gender based violence and femicide, instead of treating them as individual unrelated incidents?

  5. You know, when you do something like this to someone’s daughter, I think that family should have a legal right to do whatever they like to the killer.

  6. Educational-Help-126 on

    Women have always been under attack but it’s getting really bad. I mean it used to be strangers that we would have to fear. Way too many husbands, fathers and boyfriends murdering their loved ones. It’s so scary and heartbreaking.

  7. LeafyLifeCrisis on

    It’s heartbreaking to see headlines like these so often… Ugandan Olympian Rebecca Cheptegei was set on fire and killed by her boyfriend just a week ago. I am truly saddened by the suffering of the victims of domestic violence.

  8. So he did it in a panic and even had a solution to dizolve body parts? Who is buying this? Poor woman…

  9. First thing I open app to after I wake up???? Oh my fucking god there’s denying that we are experiencing a femicide right as women but men will continue to do this to us as no one is stopping them. What a cruel fucking world we live in as women

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