Kate Winslet Says Female Actors Showing Their Bodies and Not Wearing Makeup on Camera Is ‘Not F—ing Brave: ‘I’m Not in the Ukraine. I’m Doing a Job’

Posted by cmaia1503


  1. i sure do hate a woman that puts down other women….

    personal achievements, like body positivity (finding a way to love who you are and your body), being proud of oneself, being able to change public opinion about women needing to appeal to the male gaze, is brave. it could be a different kind of bravery, not a “wartime bravery” bravery, but not all bravery needs to be “FIGHT IN WARS, DIE FOR SOMETHING!!!!” type bravery.

    let’s be rational. there’s levels to everything in life, and putting someone else down is not something anyone should be doing. everyone has their own 0, everyone has their own 100. and it’s ok.

    one person can suffer and feel like they’re at the absolute worst they’ve experienced. the “YOU KNOW THERE ARE KIDS IN SWEATSHOPS” mentality is one of the worst things a person can do towards the individual’s experience of life. it disregards humanity, and the individual’s experience of life

    we will all experience different lives, different realities, different feelings and situations. and it’s ok to be proud of yourself no matter how big or small on a “world scale” your achievement is. setting a parameter of who/what is worthy is not a good precedent to set for anyone. and it downplays the individuality of each person, of each person’s life, of each person’s highs and struggles. we all have them.

  2. I think bravery is on a spectrum.

    Of course, we live in a world of extremes, where people can judge an entire person’s character based on a single tiny thing, so I think her point is valid.

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