Chappell Roan on turning down brand deals

Posted by HauteAssMess


  1. she’s right fuck h&m. they made us clock in with our finger prints and stored our biometric data!! whatever they did is against the law in my state. i got a 800$ check in the mail because someone did a class action lawsuit and won.

    it was an awful place to work at.

    when i worked there, we’d have to do truck in the morning from 6-12. most stores have their clothes on a hanger when they arrive. h&m didn’t and we’d have to hang everything by hand, sticker it, tag it, everything.

    i was frequently called out by managers for not being as quick as others. i have adhd and sometimes i work a little slower but i never was just standing around. i was always doing my stack of clothes. other people were goofing off and on their phones. it was so embarrassing.

    i was made fun for wearing dresses when i was a heavier weight and managers actually called me in to tell me i was breaking dress code. all the other girls wore even shorter stuff and never got called out. it just didn’t look flattering on me is what i assume.

    it was so stressful all the time. they’d guilt trip us into staying past 11 pm to clean up the store.

  2. I really urge people to read the whole article. It puts a lot of who she is into perspective – in a good way.

  3. Visible_Writing7386 on

    Ok, i’m from Europe, but what’s wrong with H&M. Is there any controversy i’m not aware of? Although, i don’t remember seeing anyone decently popular marketing brand like H&M.

  4. good for her for having strong morals. it feels like most in the industry sell out for those checks.

  5. Yeah but how will she become a billionaire by 35 and own 13 jets she can fly at the same time like her own little Chappell Fleet.. /s

  6. Groundbreaking_War52 on

    Seriously – good for her, so so so many artists talk about being progressive and into social justice and then either perform for some vile plutocrat (Kadyrov, the Ambanis) or lend their music to corporations that are deeply problematic.

  7. Aromatic_Way3650 on

    See how she will change in the next few years as her star rises and she changes her core values. It happened before to others, it will happen again. If not, maybe I will eat my humble pie.

  8. Amount of “fucks” she gave on the media are a little upsetting for such rising star. But very interesting way of her promotion was chosen by her PR team.
    Sure no to H&M. It’s brand of cheap mass market. Her manager aims higher. I bet she don’t talk much about aircraft air pollution in case she would get some private jet in the future. Music is just a business, nothing personal.

  9. I’m actually living for this. Being her authentic self (even if it comes off as shitty)

    So sick of these so-called perfect celebrities that always end up being assholes behind closed doors anyway. Let’s normalize celebs being their true selves.

    It is refreshing.

  10. I hope the industry doesn’t force her to change. She’s already signed to UMG, there’s no way they won’t get tired of this. I honestly think she’ll fair better as an independent artist once her contract is up with the label.

  11. Call me a cynic but this will bite her in the ass when she eventually folds and starts working with any other big name brand. She won’t survive in the industry otherwise.

    And let’s be real, all big brands are built on blood.

  12. Some of the comments about how this will bite her in the ass interest me. I really like her and her music and want everything good for her. I can’t not support her but I am hearing her name way too much If I’m honest.

  13. I like this and wish more people thought this way. I still don’t like how she picked her fame over her OG fans though who got her to where she is now.

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